Circular economy
sharing platform


Welcome to the Digital Environment and E-Learning Courses of the CASCADE project! 
Our mission is clear: to empower companies, particularly Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), in crafting IT-enabled innovative Circular Economy (CE) solutions. We aim to provide you with the knowledge and tools to initiate impactful projects.

You can learn more about the core concepts of Circular Economy, including resource optimization and sustainable consumption. Explore their intersection with digital technologies and the digital economy! Other than that, we will help you with cultivating innovation skills, learning to ideate, conceptualize, and develop projects rooted in circular economy principles. You can gain expertise in project management, finance, and proposal management, ensuring your projects are impactful and sustainable!

Experience our comprehensive e-learning platform offering holistic e-learning courses alongside a virtual collaboration map, fostering collaboration and cooperation between like-minded organizations!

Download the handbook or feel free to get in touch with CASCADE environment




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